Don’t know about you, but Cat likes to use the pen tool when cutting something from its background in Photoshop. There are plenty of awesome techniques for cutting out wayward hair, described elsewhere on the internet. Watch and learn.

This tutorial lets you know how you can remedy a simple error. You know how it is – you’re concentrating so hard on outlining a shape in Photoshop that it’s not until you’ve finished fiddling about that you spot that you had the selection set to ‘subtract’ instead of ‘add’. Yes, you can select the path (Ctrl+click, when mouse is in the layer thumbnail), invert selection then make a new path.
However, there is an easier way. Use the Path Selection Tool (A) and click on a piece of the path. The path becomes live and, using the selection tool, click on Add to Shape Area (+) in the area selection tool bar. Et voila! *takes a bow*